Contact us

Japan Society of Library and Information Science
c/o Shirayuri University
1-25, Midorigaoka, Chofu-shi, Tokyo

*Application for Sponsorship (Use of the Society’s Name as an Event/Project Sponsor)

To apply, please provide the following information to the administrative office of the Society:

1. Name of the project/event
2. Project/event objective
3. Reason for requesting sponsorship
4. Merit to the Society (if applicable)
5. Name and location of the organizer
6. Date(s) of the event/project (duration)
7. Location of the project/event
8. Estimated number of participants
9. Participation fees (if applicable, provide the amount)
10. Other co-organizer and/or sponsors
11. Personal name and contact information of the applicant
12. Other (attach documents about the organizer, event/project information, description of the event/project)

Use of the Society’s name will not be approved if it involves any personal or monetary costs to the Society.

The event/project must be for non-commercial, non-political, and non-religious purposes.