◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇  日本図書館情報学会 メールマガジン      No.431(2021/7/13)                   日本図書館情報学会総務委員会                      E-mail: somu@jslis.jp                      WWW: https://www.jslis.jp/ ◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇ ■目次 ◆【論文募集(締切9/3)】国際ワークショップSDM2021 (ICDM2021併設) -------------------------------------------------------------------- ◆【論文募集(締切9/3)】国際ワークショップSDM2021 (ICDM2021併設) 関連研究者の皆様 (重複してお受け取りの方はご容赦ください) 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学の矢田竣太郎と申します. ポストパンデミック時代におけるソーシャルデータマイニングに関する 国際ワークショップ (SDM2021) の論文募集について案内をお送りいたします. 「ソーシャルデータ」の定義を幅広くとっており,図書館活動や情報利用行動 などに関する分析も歓迎いたします. 投稿締切は9月3日です.ぜひ投稿をご検討いただければ幸いです. ******************************************************************* SDM2021: IEEE ICDM 2021 Workshop on Social Data Mining in the Post- pandemic Era Auckland, New Zealand, December 7, 2021 https://sociocom.naist.jp/icdm-sdm-2021/ ******************************************************************* The emergence of the COVID-19 global pandemic has a major impact on society and the way human beings behave in space-time. Not only has the COVID-19 pandemic led to a dramatic loss of human life worldwide, but the socio-economic disruption caused by the pandemic and lockdowns measure is also devastating. Many segments of our everyday life are destabilized, from work to study, commercial, mobility and leisure activities to mention a few. Amongst many approaches so far under development for a better understanding of the way the COVID-19 pandemic impacts human behaviors at large, changes in everyday activities, social data computing appears as a promising direction to explore as nowadays social networks provide many opportunities to infer novel human trends and new forms of communications. This half-day workshop will report and discuss novel modelling, social data mining approaches and computational developments that might provide a better understanding of the epidemiologic crisis impact on human behaviors, novel habits and definitive trends that will appear in the forthcoming post- pandemic era. ++ List of Topics ++ Amongst many issues to address but not limited to the workshop will address pandemic-era issues (not limited to COVID-19): - Social data computing for inferring the epidemiologic trends of pandemic diseases - Social data mining for the understanding of pre/peri/post-pandemic mobility patterns - Natural language processing for inferring pre/peri/post-pandemic impacts - Sensor-based approaches for tracing epidemic/pandemic infection patterns - Pandemic prediction models inferred from social data mining - Social data analysis for studying societal impacts of a pandemic - User and web-based interfaces for pandemic information broadcast - Social data mining for cross-cultural, global vs. local impacts of a pandemic - Novel trends and applications associated with pandemic studies ++ Important Dates ++ - Paper Submission: September 3, 2021 - Acceptance Notification: September 24, 2021 - Camera-ready Deadline and Copyright Forms : October 1, 2021 - Workshop Day: December 7, 2021 ++ Submission Guidelines ++ Paper submissions should be limited to a maximum of 4 pages for short paper and 8 pages for full paper in the IEEE 2-column format (https:// www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html), including the bibliography and any possible appendices. More detailed information is available in the IEEE ICDM 2021 Submission Guidelines (https:// icdm2021.auckland.ac.nz/cfp/). Please submit your manuscript through CyberChair: https://wi-lab.com/ cyberchair/2021/icdm21/scripts/submit.php?subarea=S17&undisplay_detail =1&wh=/cyberchair/2021/icdm21/scripts/ws_submit.php. All accepted papers will be included in the ICDM’21 Workshop Proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. Therefore, papers must not have been accepted for publication elsewhere or be under review for other workshops, conferences, or journals. ++ Organizing committee ++ - Christophe Claramunt (Naval Academy Research Institute, France) - Shoko Wakamiya (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan) - Shuntaro Yada (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan) ++ Program Committee ++ - Eiji Aramaki, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan - Sanchari Das, University of Denver, USA - Eduardo Graells-Garrido, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain - Iwao Fujino, Tokai University, Japan - Jerome Gensel, University of Grenoble, France - Sergio Ilarri, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain - Adam Jatowt, University of Innsbruck, Austria - Farid Karimipour, University of Tehran, Iran - Dimitrios Katehakis, FORTH-ICS, Greece - Yukiko Kawai, Kyoto Sangyo University, Japan - Didier Leibovici, University of Sheffield, UK & GeotRYcs, France - Angelica Lo Luca, IIT-CNR, Italy - Mohammad Reza Malek, K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Iran - Miguel Mata, UPIITA-IPN, Mexico - Yelena Mejova, ISI Foundation, Italy - Geraldine Del Mondo, INSA Rouen, France - Mir Mostafavi, Universite Laval, Canada - Peng Peng, LREIS, Beijing, China - Nikos Petrellis, University of Peloponnese, Greece - Georgios Santipantakis, University of Piraeus, Greece - Panote Siriaraya, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan - Demetrios Zeinalipour-Yazti, University of Cyprus, Cyprus ------------------------------------------------------------------- ※投稿頂いたメールマガジン原稿について、Program Committeeのご氏名ならびに所属の一部がShift-JISエンコードの制限により表示できないため、以下の編集を加えました。 ・Jerome Gensel氏のJeromeのeはアクサン・テギュ、oはアクサン・シルコンフレクスがつきます。 ・Geraldine Del Mondo氏のGeraldineのeはアクサン・テギュがつきます。 ・Mir Mostafavi氏の所属Universite LavalのUniversiteのeはアクサン・テギュがつきます。 (総務委員会) ------------------------------------------------------------------- ・このメールマガジンは,図書館情報学や図書館に関する情報の提供を主な  目的として,当学会会員(希望者)を対象に不定期に発行されています。 ・掲載を希望される場合(非学会員も可)は,記事原稿を当学会総務委員会 (somu@jslis.jp)まで電子メールにてご送付ください(「件名」は「メール  マガジン掲載希望」)。なお,送付いただいた記事原稿は編集する場合が  あります。掲載までに時間がかかる場合や掲載できない場合があります。 ・メールマガジンの配信先変更は当学会ウェブサイトの会員情報の変更を参考  の上(https://jslis.jp/membership/modification/),当学会事務局までご連絡  下さい。 ・このメールマガジンは,等幅フォントで最適化されています。 ・バックナンバーは,当学会ウェブサイト (https://jslis.jp/publications/emagazine/)に掲載されています (発行から一定時間経過後に掲載いたします)。 --------------------------------------------------------------------